FactoryCat Applications
Looking for a floor washer that fits your needs? FactoryCat's midsized battery powered ride-on and walk-behind scrubbers and sweepers are built to simplify your toughest cleaning challenges. This powerful combination of effectiveness and efficiency will keep your floors looking great and operating smoothly while gaining you time back in your day. Whether it's a light duty cleaning job or tough high traffic tile, we have a machine to fit your needs and budget. Contact us today for more information!
Application | Description |
Aerospace | Aerospace is a technologically advanced industry, that produces aircraft, space vehicles, missiles, aircraft engines and other associated components, certainly more so than the simple scrubbers and sweepers that we build. While much of this industry is geared toward government work, most of the companies involved have high housekeeping standards and utilize sweepers and scrubbers to maintain their areas. |
| Aviation is a specialty field and Factory Cat cylindrical scrubbers are particularly popular in the aircraft hangars, where FOD reduction is so vital. The cylindrical scrub head on the Factory Cat battery scrubbers is able to sweep up the small debris and scrub floor in a single pass. |
| Building Service Contractors perhaps are the most dependent of any client on their sweeper, burnisher or scrubber's reliability. Where many applications view the machines as a piece of maintenance equipment, the BSCs look at cleaning equipment as "production equipment". Dependability is especially important for those accounts who attach financial penalties to failure to meet the daily scrubbing requirements in the contract. |
| Powder and Bulk Packaging accounts deal with volumes of dust and material that is not found normally in other applications. Factory Cat sweepers have a unique "baghouse" filter, which has many times the capacity of a paper panel filter. Another advantage for our battery sweeper customers is the filters often last for years, saving thousands of dollars on replacement parts. |
| Casinos and Resorts have unique cleaning requirements for their scrubbers and operate on a 24/7 schedule. Casinos normally offers and accommodates different type of gambling activities, so the need to scrub up tears (of sadness and joy) and spilled beverages is common. When used in near the bedrooms, the sweepers, scrubbers and burnishers must be quiet, so not to disturb a sleeping guest. |
| Factory Cat offers an ideal line of floor scrubbers and warehouse sweepers for a variety of distribution type facilities. Due to the frequency of broken pallet chips, nails, spilled product, many customers now elect to choose one of our scrubber-sweeper combination machines. |
| Educational buildings, whether for Universities or K-12 Grade schools meet the challenges of scrubbing and sweeping on a daily basis. Often asked to scrub more square footage each year, with smaller janitorial staffs, many are looking to the compact rider scrubbers and and rider sweepers built by Factory Cat. Some of the modern schools have a multitude of complex floor coverings, ranging from artificial turf and rubber gym floors to ceramic tile and even marble. |
| Facilities that process, package or redistribute food and beverages have unique needs and high expectations. A floor scrubber that cleans effectively, while containing the dust and fluids well is highly sought. Factory Cat has always enjoyed a strong customer base with the produce packing house, in addition to the battery scrubbers in use at the processing facilities. The fully cleanable recovery tank permits complete sanitization of the tank, which otherwise could harbor all sorts of undesirables, to be push out like an aerosol by the vacuum motor. |
| Federal Government agencies are very diverse in the world wide market and can utilizes our smallest walk-behind scrubbers and walk-behind sweepers to our largest Rider Scrubbers and Sweeper for the many locations and applications. |
| Health Care companies have to meet the challenges of a changing market place, with a growing population seeking ever better medical care. To better serve hospitals and assisted care facilities, our battery powered scrubbers have been designed to operate with the least amount of noise and make water recovery a key. |
| Hospitality industry companies deal with food services, accommodations, recreation and even entertainment, and have a wide variety of surfaces to scrub or sweep. Our customers have a need to sweep large parking areas, vacuum carpeting around the guest sleeping areas, scrubbing the grease and spills in the large kitchens, and burnishing the floor finish in lobbies. |
Gov State Local | State and Local governments and their agencies are very diverse in their equipment needs and can utilizes our smallest walk-behind scrubbers and walk-behind sweepers to our largest Rider Scrubbers and Sweepers for the many locations and applications. |
| Manufacturing facilities, whether it's metal, plastic, or wood they are working with, they are some of our most loyal customers for sweepers and scrubbers. Even with the latest dust collection systems and modern fabrication equipment, there is something about the "manufacturing" process that tends to make a mess, which our sweeper-scrubber combo machines are ideally suited for. Manufacturing facilities often house industrial machine, material handling equipment, large pillars and other items which are potential collision hazards. |
Produce Packaging | Produce Packing plants, which serve as a collection center for fruits and vegetables prior to distribution can be operating at 110% one month and nearly closed down entirely another. Our battery scrubbers' fully accessible recovery tank, allows for unsurpassed sanitation and disinfecting of the recovery (dirty) tank. The Factory Cat scrubbers are used to recover the fluid spills from the many Wash Baths that are required, and also clean up the soil tracked around by the material handling vehicles. The facilities develop strategies for Sorting/Trimming, Washing, Drying, Waxing, Curing, Chemical Treatments, Grading, Packaging, Pre-cooling, Storage and Transportation, with each creating unique requirements on the floor scrubber or floor sweepers. The larger packing plants will use rider scrubbers to tackle the floor scrubbing task in minimum time, and often employ smaller walk behind scrubbers for the congested areas in the building. |
| Retail locations for some of the world's largest companies are moving away from the cheap imported sweepers and scrubbers, and turning to our products which are custom and handmade in the USA. While known for the eye for savings, many of the large box stores have found the small premium they invest in our scrubbers pays off quickly with reduced down time and repair bills. |
| Sports Arenas often have a limited time to do the housekeeping chores before the next event. Some even have to tackle multiple sports and flooring, back to back. Scrubbing wood floors requires supreme water control and water recovery from the scrubber. The areas away from the playing fields are often concrete, with a need to sweep up liter like food. |
| Truck/Automotive companies have increasingly high standards for housecleaning. Many automobile dealerships have discovered the labor savings available with our battery scrubber's cylindrical scrub deck feature. By sweeping and scrubbing in a single path, their operators can clean around service bays without clogged squeegee hoses or streaked floors. When in the industrial truck repair bays it is important the scrubbers be able to survive the harsh application. |
| Warehousing companies often invest in a scrubber-sweeper from Factory Cat, to keep inventory items free of dust while in storage or transit. We have seen a marked increase in the number of customers who are using the Walk Behind Sweeper and Compact Rider Sweeper (TR) to clean the inside of trailers while at the loading docks. While scrubbing is still the most popular answer for cleaning cold storage floors, we suggest customers consider a sweeper as well. In comparison to a scrubber, a sweeper may offer the customer satisfactory frequent cleaning results, and without the additional cost and complexity of scrubbing. |